Thursday, October 30, 2008

Free Verse poem

In class we have been writing free verse poems. Free verse poems are poems with different language features in the poem. Here is mine.

The Alley Cats

In the morning, the early morning
there awake they're waiting.
It's the alley cats!
Meow, meow,meow.
Their dark long, scary bodies
creep through the night,
and out they come,
alive, ready to hunt.
The alley cats growl at night.
In the morning they sing.
The cats are like the moon!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

5 W' poem

In class we have been writing a 5 W poem. The W stands for Who, Why, When, Where and What. Here is mine.


Modeling mooey moo cow,
Walked the red carpet at the mooodeling show.
It was a dazzling evening!
She was glamorous!
And the entry for the cow category.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A network of friends

F friends

R respectful

I interesting

E enjoying

N nice

D delightful

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Structures in Term 4

This is the start of a new term. It is term 4. We are learning about structures. We went into groups of three to make our own buildings. We used 30 straws and 60 cm of tape and we had to have a flat top. My group made a three story tower. Each story had a criss-cross . Our group made a 30 cm tower. This is my tower.